The great visionary Chairman Kaga |
If memory serves me right, my focus over the past several years on this site as been my passion for the automobile, travel and photography. However, it's not all about the car here; anything is fair game for discussion. So, as I was scrolling through a roll of photos I came across one photo of man that "realized his dream in a form never seen before". It was a photo of a man from many of our pasts. This photo was of the great, flamboyant, benevolent dictator of global cuisine, Chairman Takeshi Kaga. You know feeling that you get when you are watching something and you are sure you are really experiencing it, but can't believe it is real? Oh yeah, I guess all of America knows that feeling as we march forward towards the horror that is November 8th. Well, the Chairman decided to bless us with his fashion sense, his culinary piety, his knowledge and his vision. His great immaculately conceived wealth was able to finance the wonders that is Iron Chef and the Kitchen Stadium.
Your Iron Chefs in the Kitchen Stadium |
Imagine Japanese Chefs with a mastery in a specific cuisine battling each other and challengers from around the world in a Kitchen Stadium. These battles are complete with expert play by play announcers and side line reporter who you know is studying to be an expert announcer one day. The extra seasonings of this spectacle is instant replays of the grandest culinary techniques and in game interviews of humble, honorable Iron Chefs; And all of it to be judged by The People. The Chairman brought all of this to reality. With the personification of his culinary vision that is the Iron Chefs of Chen Kenichi (Iron Chef Chinese), Yutaka Ishinabe, Hiroyuki
Sakai (Iron Chefs French), Masahiko Kobe (Iron Chef Italian), and Rokusaburo
Michiba, Koumei Nakamura, Masaharu Morimoto (Iron Chefs Japanese), the Chairman has brought high skill and great sanctification to many food connoisseurs across the globe.
I can try and verbally describe the goings on with this high art, but will not do it justice. If you are willing to go down the rabbit hole and looking for an alternative to the barbaric and corrupting nature that is professional football on a Sunday, without further delay, I present to you, Iron Chef on the link below:
Iron Chef Full Episodes on YouTube
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